
Author: Shaun Forward

Painter | Urban Sketcher | Printmaker

festive robin header slice

Festive robin Christmas cards

Hot off the press! This year’s personal Christmas card, ‘Festive robin.’ A four colour Lino cut print job. Each individual card carries one of the unique originals – mounted to the front face, in this limited edition run. The card blanks were overprinted with a festive caption, and the envelopes featured a miniature reproduction image…
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Magnolia and Bluebells

Magnolia and Bluebells

The bluebell wood located in my sister’s New Forest property, was the subject of this month’s plenaire’s meeting, to which I was lucky enough to have been invited.

one stage of St. Michael's Mount Lino cut print by Shaun Forward

St. Michael’s Mount – Lino print

Having borrowed a super etching press form my sister, Jenny – I decided to have a go at printing a 5 colour Lino cut which I made during the first lockdown, last year. This is a snapshot of the result.

The Copse 32 Project

The Copse 32 Project

I MUST be desperate for inspiration LOL – I have felt moved to create some artworks, in various forms, of a copse containing 32 trees – which lies a few hundred yards from my daytime workplace.

ight light jars at dusk

Night light jars

Jackie has been working on a number of different treatments for night light jars. The latest development is applying decorative patterned papers and waterproofing them.

Books news slice Forward Creative

Children’s books

During COVID-19 Lockdown, when separated from our family, we decided to start making simple story books for our grandchildren. They were fun to make – and the boys loved receiving them from the postman! Below is a short video of Jackie making, one of the books called, ‘No dinner, no yoghurt’…