I’m really enjoying painting en plein air. I’ve found I can no longer settle to studio painting quite so easily – now that I have the taste for painting in the great outdoors!

Discovering plein air painting Having really made a real effort to get out and about with painting, so far in 2024, I have developed a real passion for painting en plein air! I am no longer satisfied with painting from reference material, I crave using the observational skills required of painting on the spot. And I appreciate now, just how much more one can see when in the field – so much more than studying a static photo… Plus, there’s taking in the smells and sounds around you, and chatting to passers-by. Plein air painting is much more real. You’ll notice in the video above, I did more sketchbook work in the winter months, which progressed to painting during the spring and summer. I’m looking forward to continuing with painting and capturing all that autumn and winter can conjure.

Modified field kit I’ve perfected a couple of lightweight kits which are easy to carry and contain all I need for a successful day’s painting out in the field. I have two easels to choose fro; my original Winsor & Newton field easel and a llightweight metal tripod, kindly handed down from my sister. My two wooden painting boxes have been modified to accept a tripod mounting bracket and I’ve trimmed down my range of paints to quite a limited palette. My preferred painting box was once my dad’s and I enjoy using this and continuing the family tradition. Hopefully, it will be put to good use by one of my children or grandchildren, one day. Having painted predominantly in acrylics until this summer, I have now made the effort to transfer to oils. A totally different ballgame, but one which I am pretty much enjoying.

Style progression I’m currently working on my painting style – trying to shake off my tight and technical training and adopting a much more impressionistic style. I know what I’m aiming for – hopefully, practice will make perfect.